Specialists in pickling, passivating and polishing very small stainless steel tubes and parts



Pickling removes surface scale and impurities from stainless steel through chemical treatments.


Passivation creates a super thin transparent oxide film to protect stainless steel against corrosion and rust.


Polishing removes burrs and other stainless steel abnormalities, leaving a smooth gleaming finish.


  • Stainless Micro-Polish polishes, passivates, deburrs and ultra-cleans stainless steel products used by the medical industry.

    These instruments, used in open heart surgery, breast biopsies, endoscopic operations, precision gas chromatography analysis, and other complex procedures.

  • Stainless micro-polish polishes, passivates, deburrs and ultra-cleans stainless steel parts used by the semiconductor industry. Examples of the specific procedures which allow finished products in this industry to function with extreme precision include:

    • Deburring machine holes as small as 0.005 inches diameter.

    • Sizing of parts to ± 0.0003 inches

    • Electro-chemical cut-off burr-free cutting

    • Oxide removal from laser or EDM cutting

    • Polishing of formed, bent and welded tubing for gas panel high purity systems

  • Stainless Micro-Polish removes imperfections from stainless steel tubes and parts for various industries.

    Common customers served are manufacturers of chromatography equipment, mass flow controllers and wholesale stainless steel tubes, and others.


Stainless Micro-Polish ultra-cleans, deburrs and polishes the inside surface of tubes with diameters as small as 0.005 inches and maintains tolerances within 0.0002 inches of individ­ual customer specifications.

The out­side surface of stamped and formed pieces is polished to within +0.0003 inches of specifications. Additionally, this process simultaneously removes scale & heat-treats oxide.

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